Entries by Allston Advisory Group, LLC

Quality of Data Drives Deals

The quality of data is the most commonly overlooked risk factor of business owners pursuing a sale of their business in the marketplace. Owners must be able to provide prospective buyers with evidence to support their earnings and their adjustments to earnings. Poor data quality is usually linked to: Antiquated accounting systems Incorrect revenue recognition […]

Be Prepared!

It is impossible to list all the issues and decision points that may arise in the course of selling or preparing your business for sale. Every Merger & Acquisition transaction is different. A successful sale requires early preparation from the seller to optimize the sales value of their business and minimize the risk of a […]

Integration: The “Real Work” Begins…

Leading up to a transaction, buyers and sellers of companies can’t help but be enthusiastic about the endless opportunities that lie ahead. With all the synergies, growth possibilities and efficiencies to be realized; what’s not to be excited about!? This Honeymoon phase may continue post-transaction, but as integration becomes a reality, the excitement dissipates and […]

Delta Services, LLC has been acquired by The State Group, Inc.

ABOUT THE DEAL: Delta Services, LLC has been acquired by The State Group Inc. Established in 2004 and headquartered  in Louisville, Kentucky, Delta Services is a privately-owned, bonded and fully-insured electrical contractor specializing in various types of electrical construction, communications systems, fire and security systems, safety services, utility distribution services, and PLC controls. With operations […]

Taking Chips Off The Table

The thought of “cashing out” lingers in the back of every business owners’ mind. Confronted daily with time constraints, market volatility, hawkish competition, profitability and growth objectives, and employee satisfaction, owners often neglect taking the necessary actions to establish a viable exit strategy. There are simply not enough hours in the day. However, business owners […]

Do Taxes Matter?

Mergers and Acquisitions (“M&A”) are complex, multilayered, excitingly negotiable with endless options. M&A transactions present numerous tax planning and compliance issues. Below are tax considerations that appear repeatedly in middle market deals and only serve as a starting point for delving into more intricate and tedious tax issues: Structure – most commonly used structures are […]


Owners and stakeholders of companies with strong cash flows, defendable market positions, products and services in expanding markets and a management team capable of driving the business forward must consider private equity (PE) groups, or financial buyers, as a viable alternative to exiting their business. Although these groups vary in size and focus, most PE groups bring […]

Intellectual Property Rights: Don’t Forget?

Intellectual capital is often the key objective in mergers and acquisitions. Despite the importance of intellectual property rights (IPRs), intangible assets and goodwill, the assets are routinely misunderstood and are often under-valued, under-managed or under-exploited. “The cardinal rule of commercial valuations is that the value of something cannot be stated in the abstract; all that […]


There are a host of prospective buyers for lower middle market companies (less than $75 million in revenues), and every possibility should be explored, vetted and considered. One buyer-type that must be on every business owners’ radar are Private Equity Groups (PEGs). PEGs provide access to capital, offer insights and expertise, assist with improving market share and operating efficiencies, and have […]